Ace it! - Write a Better Abstract eid# 17

March 23, 2022
3:00 pm - 5:00 pm


"A good abstract not only summarizes your research it alerts to your most important result. In this workshop we will learn how to structure an abstract to clearly convey your main result and attract an audience. After reviewing the structure of a good abstract, we will work through some abstracts from Nature. Participants will then revise their abstracts and get feedback from their peers. This is a follow-up workshop to an earlier workshop on titles. It is advisable, but not strictly necessary, to have attended the previous workshop. The principles you learn are applicable to all types of abstracts, including peer-reviewed manuscripts."

To register click here. The zoom link will be available via the confirmation email. Registration closes one hour before the event.

Ace It! - Write a Better Abstract


Fee: Free - Open to the Public

Categorized in:

  • Professional Development (workshop or webinar)
  • Early Career Professional Development Committee

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