Making the most out of Botany 2023 - A Student Conference Guide eid# 31

May 26, 2023
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm


Botany360 Event: Making the most out of Botany 2023 - A Student Conference Guide

Are you attending the Botany Conference for the first time this July? Or are you looking for tips on how to make the best of the conference as a student? Come chat with your BSA Student Reps about student specific events, how to organize your time, how to make your trip as affordable as possible, and how to successfully network. We will also talk about ways to make the best out of attending virtually. By the end of the workshop, you will have a better plan for how to structure your days at the conference and how to find your people in the sea of interesting topics and colleagues. We can’t wait to see you at the conference!

To register click here.

Fee: Free

Categorized in:

  • Professional Development (workshop or webinar)

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All Times Eastern Time Zone.