Getting Involved in Service to BSA and Beyond eid# 38
January 8, 2024
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm Description:Our panel of botanists will lead a group discussion about how professional service has been valued in our jobs. The panelists have career experience from a variety of institutions, including several colleges and universities and a botanical garden (Rachel Jabaily, Colorado College; Karolina Heyduk, Univ. Connecticut; Mackenzie Taylor, Creighton University; Eli Hartung, Kansas State University; Emily Sessa, New York Botanical Garden). We will talk about service expectations in graduate school, when we were hired or promoted. We will also share how different service roles have been either meaningful and effective, or alternatively not enjoyable nor effective. The group will share practical advice about when and how to take on various service roles. We will specifically discuss service opportunities within the Botanical Society of America, including available through elected and appointed committee positions. Contact information:
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