Members-Only Journal Access Login Instructions

Thank you for your membership support of BSA!
  Below are the instructions for accessing the members-only American Journal of Botany (AJB) articles.

New Members/Not Logged In

  1. Click Here to Log In
    1. The first page will ask for your BotanyID and an option to stay logged in (do not check this box if you are on a public computer).
    2. The second page will ask for your password.
    3. If you have forgotten your BotanyID or password click here.

  2. After successfully logging in you will be directed to the Member Access page.
    1. You can click the BSA Journal Hub link on this page or any of the Journal links to reach the Wiley Publishing site that houses the BSA Journals
    2. Once on the Wiley site you can access both free and full-access articles and download article PDF files.

Already Logged In

  1. Once logged in you can access the Wiley site directly via the BSA Journal Hub or any of the BSA Journal links found on the BSA website.

AJB Print on Demand Instructions

AJB has been enrolled in Member Direct Print on Demand (MD POD), which allows current BSA members to purchase print subscriptions of the journal’s whole annual volume at a substantially reduced rate. Members can order directly from our print vendor Sheridan’s webstore, apply the provided discount code and pay by credit card - a familiar online shopping experience for many. The journal is shipped directly to the purchaser. The entire volume year subscription is available in a single transaction—there is no need to order each issue individually.

Single issues of the journal can also be purchased through Sheridan but only at the regular e-only rate; the discount rate does not apply to single issues.


  • Journal Name – American Journal of Botany
  • 2024 Discount Rate – 80% off the institutional online subscription rate. 
  • 2024 Discount Code – G2XA8JZR5TH6
  • Eligibility – The 2024 discount code is valid only for whole volume subscriptions (2024 volume) through 31 December 2024. The discount does not apply to single issues.
  • How to order
    • Go toSheridan POD webstore
    • Use the search box to find American Journal of Botany
    • Apply the discount code provided above at check out to get the discounted rate

 For Step-by-step ordering instructions, click here

Journal Access Troubleshooting/FAQ

    • I am logged in, but I still cannot access the full-access articles
      • Only current members can access these pages, you may need to renew your membership.
      • Old credentials may be stored in the system, log out and log back in to input your correct credentials.
      • Cannot remember your credentials?  Click here and they will be emailed to you.
      • Sometimes you need a fresh start on your browser, in your browser select the File Menu and then choose either "New Private Window" or "New Incognito Window" then log in again.

    • Do I need to register and create a Wiley login/password to access the BSA Journals?
      • No, you do not have to register for the Wiley site to access member-only articles. 
      • You may wish to register with Wiley to take advantage of their services including the BSA Journal electronic Table of Contents (eTocs), receive Wiley informational emails or access their other journals.

    • I am on the Wiley Page and there are two places to Log in, one at the top and one that says BSA Member Login, what am I supposed to do?

    • The login at the top of the Wiley webpages (red) is the Wiley login for Wiley services (see FAQ above about registering on the Wiley site).
    • The BSA Member Login (yellow) will take you back to either the login screen (if you have not yet logged in) or the Member Access Page (if you have already logged in-see top FAQ).
    • If you click the BSA Member Log In and are directed to the Member Access page but are still not receiving access to full-access articles see top FAQ for guidance.
    • If you see the following image at the top of the Wiley page you are logged in.